hide the virgins say your prayers here come
trouble from the cosmic sea gouts of blood! kill
all the squares1 it's the aztec mummy vs.
murderous me! i'm the god monster from the end of
the world i'm the hothead intruder i'm the phantom
on fire switchblade enforcer of the astral swirl
god monsterman god damn atomic vampire god monster
for your doomsday destination god monster for your
damaged life god monster for your ruined
hallucination god monster spider in your beehive
i'm the spaceprobe from venus to the screaming
unknown top eliminator on a mission for kicks boss
action guy a psychedeliccyclone a big hunk of love
with a bag full of tricks god monster for the end
of the world.....
Pecego® diz:
to com medo de vc
q porra é akela tu e um cara mendigaum de pau pra traz
com a perna quebrada